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Graham Doyle

'I gained a better understanding of diverse cultural influences, especially collectivistic and individualistic cultures, and how these influence creativity, feedback mechanisms and respect in an organisation.'

Graham Doyle – Business Transformation Consultant at Knab

'I am interested in the psychology behind why people behave and react in different ways. I am a firm believer in people being the sum of their experiences and as these experiences are heavily influenced by their upbringing, I wanted to further explore this. Much of my reading in the past few years has been around how and why people behave, but the books I’ve read were quite anecdotal. This led me to the masterclass Introduction to Cultural Psychology. I wanted to follow a more formal and in-depth programme, rather than just get a broad overview on the subject.

I enjoyed the study experience at the Amsterdam Business School. The staff were highly competent, experienced and professional.  The lecturer has a strong cross-cultural background, allowing her to bring across her personal experiences into the course work. This helps you to understand the content on a personal level

I gained a better understanding of diverse cultural influences, especially collectivistic and individualistic cultures, and how these influence creativity, feedback mechanisms and respect in an organisation. I can apply this knowledge in my daily work. The open discussions between participants allowed the course material to come to life.  With a broad spectrum of attendees (most of them were born outside the Netherlands), we were able to experience the differences in culture first hand.

If you wish to better understand why and importantly, how people behave differently across cultures and what forms these behaviours, this is a masterclass for you.'