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Amsterdam Business School researcher Jan Willem Bolderdijk (Marketing section) is 1 of the recipients of a Dutch Science Council (NWO) grant for the ‘Behavioural Insights for Climate Policy’ research project.
Prof. Jan Willem Bolderdijk
Prof. Jan Willem Bolderdijk

The research project ‘Behavioural Insights for Climate Policy,’ aims to enhance the effectiveness and ease of implementing climate policies. Through focused research, it will investigate how behavioural insights can be integrated across the entire policy cycle. The goal is to provide practical insights for the Dutch government to design and implement effective, feasible policies that support the acceleration of key transitions.

The project will target five policy areas, each of which will be specifically examined:

  • Sustainable development in the built environment
  • Sustainability in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  • Circular economy, emphasising reduced consumption and high-impact R-ladder behaviours
  • Sustainable land use in agriculture and the food system
  • Financial and fiscal climate policy

Collaborative project

The project has been awarded a total of 2.9 million euro. This initiative is the result of a collaboration between different knowledge institutions and societal partners who have combined their strengths to inform and engage with policymakers. The partners include the UvA, HvA, Natuur & Milieu, TNO and the National Climate Platform (NKP).