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PhD candidate Thu Nguyen (Finance section) won an award for best job market paper in Asset Pricing at the 7th annual Asset Pricing Conference. The conference was organised by LTI@UniTO at Collegio Carlo Alberto in Torino, Italy.
Thu Nguyen
Thu Nguyen

Nguyen attended the conference earlier this month. In addition to the award, she also received a cash prize. The paper was discussed in front of the audience at the conference and she received constructive feedback on her work from scholars in this field.

Her job market paper Market Concentration, Capital Misallocation, and Asset Pricing explores the asset pricing implications of superstar firms through the lens of capital misallocation. Superstar firms are large companies with global reach and market power. Capital misallocation by these firms refers to the inefficient use or distribution of financial resources. Their dominant position can lead to suboptimal allocation of capital within the economy. This in turn can have negative effects on economic growth and overall stock market performance.
Her research focuses on asset pricing. In particular, she studies the macroeconomic impacts of firms and the role of institutional investors’ on asset pricing. Nguyen can be contacted by email for more details about her research paper.