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3 students from Amsterdam Business School (ABS) represented the Benelux region in the international final of the L’Oréal's 'Brandstorm' innovation competition. The MSc Business Administration students participated in the competition as part of their Branding course.
ABS team (holding boarding pass, L to R) Lucia Masson, Mahdi Mansouri, Anna Lohèl
ABS team (holding boarding pass, L to R) Lucia Masson, Mahdi Mansouri, Anna Lohèl

The finals took place on 20 June in London.

L’Oréal Benelux recently selected ABS students Anna Lohel, Mahdi Mansouri, Maria Lucia Masson as the winners of the Benelux round of the of the L’Oréal Brandstorm brandstorm competition. They represented this region in the International finals of this innovation competition. 

This year, no less than 55.900 people from 72 countries took part in L’Oréal Brandstorm, an annual innovation competition for everyone under 30. In teams of 3, and led by the Professional Products Division at L’Oréal Groupe, the candidates got the opportunity to reinvent the future of beauty, with a focus on technology. It also gives them a chance to accelerate their career. The winner of the international 2024 competition is the French team 'PROtect'.

Leveraging data and technology

The ABS students convinced the Benelux jury with their groundbreaking idea for the salon business, presenting a unique consumer opportunity that captured everyone's attention. Their pitch demonstrated a deep understanding of the market, incorporating strong insights and leveraging data and technology to drive their innovative concept.

Anna Lohèl, Mahdi Mansouri, and Maria Lucia Masson were welcomed in London in June for the international finals. They competed for a 3-month paid 'intrapreneurship' at L’Oréal Groupe’s headquarters in Paris. A winning team gets the opportunity to discover the company’s ecosystem and develop their project supported by L’Oréal experts.

'Icing on the cake'

Dr Roger Pruppers, a marketing lecturer at the ABS, highlights the importance of Brandstorm for students: 'We've integrated the Brandstorm challenge into our course programme as the proverbial icing on the cake. It enriches our education, strengthens our ties to the local and international business world, and provides students with an invaluable practical experience.'