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Professors Henk Volberda (Strategy & International Business section) and Ko de Ruyter (Marketing section) are 2 of the co-authors of the prestigious 'Oxford Handbook of Individual Differences in Organizational Contexts'.

Individual differences represent one of the oldest research areas within psychology. In this latest editon of the Handbook, this knowledge is applied to organisations. Some of the areas covered include organisational behaviour, organisational psychology, managerial psychology, personnel psychology, leadership, and management.

Insights for organisations

The Oxford Handbook of Individual Differences in Organizational Contexts reviews individual differences. It focuses on both psychological differences (personality traits, dark personality traits, intelligence types, self-monitoring) and biological/physiological differences (gender, age, facial shape and structure, and genetic and neurological differences).

This book explains key findings and questions in the field and explores future research areas of individual differences research in organisational contexts. The work also provides a deeper understanding of individual differences for professionals such as HR managers and recruiters.