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Accounting professor Victor Maas has been appointed as the new Editor-In-Chief of academic journal Behavioral Research in Accounting. The journal is published by the American Accounting Association and is one the main global outlets for academic research examining how accounting (broadly conceived) affects and is affected by individuals, organisations, and society. Maas and his new team of Associate Editors will start their 3-year term on June 1.

About Victor Maas

Maas is a full professor at the Accounting Section of the Amsterdam Business School. In his research he uses lab experiments and judgment and decision-making tasks to study how individuals use and produce accounting information. He’s on the editorial board of several academic journals, has worked as an associate editor at European Accounting Review and is the coordinator of the European Network for Experimental Accounting Research (ENEAR). At UvA EB, he teaches Financial Accounting and Judgment & Decision Making. He’s also the Chair of the Economics and Business Ethics Committee (EBEC).