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The Society for Consumer Psychology submitted a call for intervention ideas to tackle climate change. Amsterdam Business School (ABS) researcher Andrea Weihrauch and Chi Hoang (ECSP Business School) submitted an idea called 'Humans and Nature as one', which was accepted.

The 2 researchers based their submission on the dehumanisation theory. This theory states that humans respond defensively when their humanness is threatened. Dehumanising actions (comparing them to lifeless objects) lead to humanity-enforcing behaviour (i.e., pro-social actions such as helping others, or donating to charity).

Weihrauch and Hoang argue that humans can see nature as integral part of humanity. When nature is threatened/dehumanised, i.e. by replacing it with ‘lifeless’ garbage or cold metal structures, humans respond the same pro-social way and defend nature. The 2 researchers guide this defense intervention in a call to initiate tree planting in rural India.

Their research will be part of a larger intervention study of 20 intervention ideas.