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Students in the Amsterdam Business School’s Honours Programme Sustainability (HPS) recently collaborated in a project with the UvA’s Faculty of Science. This past November and December, HPS student teams worked together with startups emerging from the Faculty of Science to refine the sustainability strategies of these startup companies.

The Honours Programme Sustainability is a selective programme for highly motivated students enrolled in the MSc Business Administration. The HPS gives students the opportunity to delve deeper into sustainability issues. One of their key activities is to work together with businesses, public sector organisations and civil society to create impact. This time around, the student teams partnered with 5 Faculty of Science startups: Eddytec, H2-Fuel, LumetalliX,  Solarfoil, and Voyex. The projects were presented at the Science Park on 14 December.

Business skills to create sustainability

The HPS students used their business skills to help tackle themes such as carbon composite recycling, the future of green hydrogen, lead poisoning, and sustainable greenhouse agriculture. This collaborative project was organised for the second year in a row by programme co-directors Arno Kourula and Michelle Westermann-Behaylo, and Chris Slootweg from the Faculty of Science. The organisers feel there is much to be gained by cross-faculty initiatives that combine expertise and knowledge from different disciplines. They plan to continue this partnership in the future.

Contact Arno Kourula for more information about the project.