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Third Conference on Customer Journeys. Keynote speakers: Daria Dzyabura (NES), Tammo Bijmolt (Groningen). Venue: Amsterdam Business School.
Event details of Third Conference on Customer Journeys 2023
Start date
29 May 2023
End date
31 May 2023

Customer Journeys in a Digital World

The conference aims to bring together and facilitate interaction and lively discussions among leading scholars that have been conducting high-quality empirical research in the domain of customer journeys. This year’s program is promising to be excellent, as we have confirmed keynote speakers such as Daria Dzyabura and Tammo Bijmolt. In addition, we have 10-12 presenters with their presentations on different topics in the broad area of customer journeys.


DAY 1: 

16:30-19:00        Welcome & Boat Tour

DAY 2: 

08:30-15:15 Conference (Day 1) (including lunch)

15:30-17:00 Social activity: Guided Museum Tour

17:00-19:00 Social event & drinks

19:00-22:00 Conference Dinner

DAY 3: 

09:30-13:00        Conference (Day 2)

12:30-13:30        Light Lunch (Dutch style)

Practical information

Conference venue

University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Business School (building REC M), Plantage Muidergracht 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam

Restaurant (dinner) venue

Hanneke's Boot
Dijksgracht 4
1019 BS  Amsterdam


Registration will take place from April onwards and conference fee's will be announced in due course. If you have any inquiries, please contact a member of the organizing committee.

Organising committee

Umut Konus (University of Amsterdam Business School)
Jonne Guyt (University of Amsterdam Business School)
Sara Valentini (Bocconi University)

Arriving and leaving Amsterdam

Schiphol airport is best reached by regular train service. The 15-minute train ride leaves every 10 to 15 minutes from Amsterdam Central Station, which is a 5-minute taxi ride from the conference venue. It is a 10 minutes walk from Central Station to the conference venue. A taxi from the conference venue to Schiphol airport would take about 25 minutes.

Public transport

You can buy train tickets from the yellow machines at the railway station. Some machines take credit cards and/or coins, some machines only take Dutch bank cards. For other types of public transport (bus/metro/tram) you will need an electronic transport card (“ov chip card”). These can be purchased from the machines at most metro stations or at the GVB office at the central station. For more information, visit To plan your trip, visit:


For general inquiries, please contact or a member of the organizing committee.

Roeterseilandcampus - building M

Room TBA
Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam