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"Organizations as reflections of their leaders’ personality"
Event details of L&M Research Seminar: Shaul Oreg (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
6 June 2023
13:00 -14:00
Hybrid from REC M4.02


Organizations can be seen as reflections of their leaders. I will present research about proximal and distal manifestations of leader personality and some of the mechanisms through which leaders come to impact their followers and shape their organizations. I will focus on studies of leaders’ personal values and demonstrate relationships between these values and a variety of organizational attributes and outcomes. Data in this research come from leaders, followers, and in several cases additional sources, such as archival performance data and additional stakeholders.

Hybrid seminar

This will be a hybrid seminar. If you are interested in joining this seminar, please send an email to the secretariat of Amsterdam Business School at

Roeterseilandcampus - building M

Room Hybrid from REC M4.02
Plantage Muidergracht 12
1018 TV Amsterdam