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Gianluca de Varda

'We are encouraged to pursue an entrepreneurial venture'

Gianluca de Varda (Italy)

'I chose the UvA because of its amazing reputation. I decided to pursue this Master's because I dream of having my own business.'

'In this programme many students have different backgrounds, they studied medicine, engineering or even geography in their undergraduate studies. This really gives me many different viewpoints on new topics.'

'Compared to other degrees we have little theory and lectures. We are encouraged to pursue an entrepreneurial venture and work on it in our free time. The professors act more like mentors. It is exactly what I was looking for.'

'Amsterdam is an amazing city. You can literally breathe the innovation and you are surrounded by people with an open mind-set. The joint degree between UvA and VU gives you the possibility to use the resources of both universities. I am going to workshops and business fairs on a weekly basis. Both universities have a great network for job opportunities.'

'I am currently in a start-up that fosters a more entrepreneurial mind-set. I am determined to create my own start-up and I am confident that my Master's degree can help me with this dream.'