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Are you an enthusiastic alumnus or alumna and do you want to share your expertise and knowledge with students and other alumni? You have several options.
  • What are your possibilities as a volunteer?
    • Join UvA Bridge, the online alumni platform exclusively for alumni of the University of Amsterdam, to expand your social and professional network.
    • Share your experience and knowledge with (international) students and young alumni. You can become a guest speaker at one of our events or trainings:
    1. Fuck Up night
    2. Alumni Coach Café
    3. Professional Development Weeks
    4. Going Dutch
    • Become one of our Alumni in the spotlight by sharing your career story
    • Were you an international student? Join an event of the International Alumni Chapters in your home country, or become a guest speaker or co-host
    • Become a member of your programme’s Alumni Advisory Board. As a member of the advisory board you can share your knowledge to improve your programme, and you can give advice about the labour market.

    If you have any questions regarding these opportunities, please get in touch with our ABS Alumni Coordinator.

  • Internships and Business Challenges

    Study programmes are constantly searching for alumni to help with the career orientation of our students. Do you want to help? Check out our options.

    • Offer an internship to Bachelor’s or Master’s students. Share your internship or traineeship on our career platform JobTeaser;
    • Become a supervisor for Bachelor’s interns;
    • Let students solve your Business Problems with fresh ideas by joining:
    1. The Amsterdam Living Case Lab. If your company is facing a challenge or has recently solved one, consider sharing it as a business case with our students. Get in touch by sending us an email.
    2. The Summer Business Challenge (a consultancy assignment during summer)


Do you have a question about any of the topics on this page?



Frequency/time of year

Time investment

Meet the alumni
Be the subject of an alumni interview
- appear in an alumni/career video
All year round
1-3 hours

Guest speaker at:
- Professional development weeks
- Going Dutch
- FuckUp Night


3-5 hours, preparation and presentation

Offering business cases via:
- Summer Business Seminar
- Amsterdam Living Case Lab

June - August
All year round

2 - 4 hours

Member of the (international) Advisory Board

Once a year

2 - 4 hours

Internship supervisor


8 - 10 hours

Mentor/coach for a student (Social Mentor Programme/Alumni Coach café)
2 - 3 times a year 3 hours